Thursday, October 25, 2012

Hyukjae's Movie Recommendation - Movies That Will Become a Memory For Me

Idol group's popularity means start of success. And it also means time to start letting the world know of their name. In this manner, Super Junior Eunhyuk is slowly learning how to live in the jungle called 'Celebrity world'. "I told on the radio few years ago that I will be going to Paris and Paris fans were waiting for me at the airport. We weren't performing at the Europe at the time so it surprised me." He was expressing his group's popularity in a cheerful manner. He shows flexible activities as center of choreography with Super Junior, and also working with Donghae in a unit for Not only that but he shows witty side of him by saying "I wear size 95~ boxy style" on MBC Radio Star and letting the others play around with him. He also showed his witty side on ShinHwa Broadcast naming JunJin "John Jean". "Something I don't want to give up on is dancing. But Super Junior was started so it can target many fields in the celebrity world. So my dream is getting bigger with dreaming about becoming an MC of a variety show." We feel that Eunhyuk has much more to show us in the future. The movies he introduced to us were different than others too.

Eunhyuk's 1st Recommendation: Titanic Eunhyuk: If you tell me to choose the best movie I've seen, it's obviously Titanic. I wasn't at the age to watch it as a child but I went with my parents. I cried a lot and even bought the DVD. When it opened in 3D recently, I cleared up time in my busy schedule to watch it again. I think I've watched it over 50 times and I love it to the point of memorizing the lines. I liked nature, universe, and scenes of the sea since I was a child so I think I am pulled to the sea and the ship in the movie. I look at marine life and search for pictures online normally too. I am the sea type. 

Eunhyuk's 2nd Recommendation: Closer Eunhyuk: I get to watch DVDs alone instead of movies most often. It's hard to match times with other people. At times like that, I watch love movies like P.S. I Love you and Closer. It's funny and the movies sometimes help in writing lyrics. And Closer can be only experienced through the movie. I really got into it watching at night one time and found many characters interesting.

Eunhyuk's 3rd Recommendation: Untouchable: 1% Friendship Eunhyuk: I don't get to go to the theaters often, and especially with members. So when we get schedules for movie showcases, it makes me very happy. We were invited for this one too and watched it without any information. The storyline was better than expected and very touching. I watched with Teuk hyung and we both thought we should watch it with our members in the future. Since it was a story about a special friendship.  

Eunhyuk's 4th Recommendation: Avengers Eunhyuk: Sometimes I go on a 'date' with Sungmin hyung. We've known each other since before debut so we enjoy going out to eat or watch a movie together. I went to watch Avengers because Sungmin hyung asked me to go with him and it was great. I didn't watch Thor: God of Lightening nor Iron Man but I fell in love with all the heroes in the movie. I thought about all of us cosplaying the Avengers in next Super Show. 

Eunhyuk's 5th Recommendation: Hello Ghost Eunhyuk: the movie that members watched together the most probably is Hello Ghost. We watched it on the airplane because someone recommended it to us in the ride to another country. We thought it was a comic movie at first so we wondered why people cried watching it, but when I returned from the bathroom, all the members were crying. Our eyes were swollen and we were clutching our blankets and though I cried too, I laughed at how we looked like. I think the movie moved our hearts. 

Eunhyuk Prepares Standing Alone "The goal for me is working harder on broadcasts. But no matter what I do, I will stand under the name Super Junior. Each shining person gather to create a brighter team, isn't that cool?" Eunhyuk also wants to become a firm column within the group. "I have to be able to stand alone on variety shows after leader Teuk hyung leaves for army. So I am doing my best to do variety without help from members. Each member within our team feels responsibilities of pulling the team forward with their own method. Even if one were to rest, the team will still exist. I think that's what true Super Junior is."

Translation credit to: Naya @NKSubs

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Milani Baked Blush Corallina

I read a review before that the color is one of a kind, and from the picture, it did look so.. but when I got it myself, IRL it isn't that special IMO. But.. when applied, it is VERY pretty.

I have an obsession for coral blushes, I've bought 7 so far: NARS Torrid and Super Orgasm, MAC Hipness and Bite of an Apple, Milani Luminous and Mai Tai, and this Milani Corallina is the last one. I sold the Luminous because it didn't show up at all on my cheeks except for the gold shimmer, that I didn't like because it makes my pores look super big, and I forgot to take picture of the Mai tai because I haven't wear it in like.. years.

in the picture, from left to right: NARS Torrid, MAC Hipness from last summer collection that I can't remember the name, Milani Baked Blush Corallina, MAC Bite of an Apple from Venomous Villain collection and NARS Super Orgasm.
Torrid has been my favorite so far because its very pretty and pigmented. My friend sometimes borrow my make up if she come here before we went out somewhere, and she once use Torrid. I told her to use it lightly and she said she did but her cheeks still looked like she just got slapped hard lol.

Until Corallina came.. its even more pigmented and last ALL day. I only tapped my brush lightly and I can use it for both my cheeks. It looks super shimmery on the pan, but when applied its not.
I made swatches but I'm bad at taking pictures, so yeah..

This and that..


Helloww~~ :3

I've been lazy blogging these past few weeks kkk.. lets see what has happened lately..

I got the leopard blazer I wanted!! so cute <33 here's a pic of me trying it when it just arrived. haven't really wear it til now XD

and with other leopard stuff too kkk..

a very cute and comfy slipper that I would never wear again because I'm afraid it'll get dirty (lol) and a sleveless top. I love the top so much, the color, the cutting and the fabric.. I hope to find more tops like this XD

and I finally got the Milani Baked blush that I've been wanting because I read a review that said the color is one of a kind. When it arrived I was kind of disappointed because it looks very similar with most of coral blushes that I already have, but after I swatched and tried it on my cheeks, I become super happy again because its very pigmented and long lasting, even better than my long time favorite, the NARS Torrid blush. I'll write another review and pics for these blushes later xD

and I finally got my eyes checked.. I've been feeling that my sight is getting worse since my usual glasses and contacts don't really help my sight anymore. And because now I have to drive everywhere myself I feel that it isn't good to have bad eyesight, ofc, so I had my eyes checked.. and yeah they got worse. so I got a new glasses, which I like lol.

hello~~ XD

and I broke my promise not to shop anymore k-pop goodies ᅲᅲ

Hyukjae pillow!! \o/ When I saw it I know I have to buy it. Now I can hug a Hyukjae before I sleep lol *foreverdelusional*


Monday, May 23, 2011

accessory organizer

I've been looking for this kind of box for so long I can't remember.. but everytime I go to department store or hypermart I always forgot. Last weekend I went to Gandaria City and my friend said she needed to buy something in Ace Hardware. Long story short, I found the box there. Its only around 35000 IDR and pretty sturdy too. It has a little handle on it so you can carry it around for travel.

Oh and I got this massage oil in green tea scent XD I always love green tea scent because it smells fresh and.. healthy. If that makes sense. Maybe because drinking green tea is said as healthy so smelling the scent gives that sense to lol.

I've been wanting to go to a spa and get a massage very badly but haven't been able to go.. cause of one thing an another. So I just bought the oil and call our ibu pijit langganan XD
The bottle says it contains olive oil and coconut oil and green tea scent that gives soothing effect. Its 25000 IDR/bottle. I don't know if that considered cheap or expensive XD. The bottle says it for 3 times use but I guess you can use it as much as you want, depends on how much you use it each time.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Pretty Pictures~ (and EOTD)

Body Image

I just watched one of make-up guru I follow on Youtube talking about body image. She has a very skinny body, much like I am kkk.. As a make-up guru on Youtube she often gets bad comments about her body, face, etc, which is, sadly, pretty normal because some people just like to bash on others.

Her video reminds me of my own struggle accepting who I am and what I have. I was born as a skinny girl, I'm naturally have small frame and I cannot gain weight no matter how much I eat. I have to admit, I'm not much an eater, but I don't do diet whatsoever. I eat what I want to eat at anytime I want. I drink milk, eat all kind of fatty food that some people avoid because they say it'll make them gain weight, but those food has no effect on me whatsoever kkk..

For so many years everytime I meet new people their first comment is always, 'why so skinny?'. When I was little, I didn't know what to answer for that kind of question, because that's just who I am. How do you answer a question asking, why you are you?

It doesn't stop there because I have mean and heartless people as my family who knows me since I was born, knew that I am like this since I was practically a baby, and still asking the same question like every people that I just met, 'why are you so skinny?', 'why can't you gain weight?'
They even give me names because of my body, from pencil stick, broom stick, grasshopper, and all things skinny. It hurts, especially when you were just 5 year old and you don't understand why your supposedly closest people can't accept you for who you are.

The hurt feelings built up for years until about 9 years ago when I finally feel I have enough of their constant fret telling me to eat more. I told myself, I can be like other people too, have perfect body and gain more weight. I go to a doctor and failed because his program and medicine clashed with my schedule. I just entered college and so busy that I don't have time to follow the doctors program. And then his medicine turned to have bad effect on me because I couldn't follow the program. I got some stomach disorder that goes on for years after that. But I still refuse to give up because I've spend a lot of money going to that doctor, I didn't want it to go to a complete waste. So I started my own program and practically killing myself trying to gain weight. It worked, but I don't feel happy at all, because I pushed myself to eat, eating is not fun anymore. Eat time is like punishment time, I started to hate rice, even the smell of it makes me wanna throw up but I keep push myself to eat cause I don't want to lose weight.

I live that hell life for about 4 years. One day I got a very bad acnes all over my face. I have a very oily and acne prone skin every since junior high school. Beside my weight my family also always fret about my imperfect skin, so one day they told me to go to a dermatologist, which gave me disaster. Their products and treatments made my face breaking out all over so I had to find another dermatologist. This one told me I have to go on a diet, avoid anything with fat in it. This diet made me lost 10 kg in two weeks, 10 kg that I fought for 4 years. I cried so bad, my 4 years effort gone in a matter of two weeks.

After a while, my skin got better and I gained back about 3-4 kg and stopped there. I'm still skinny, much skinnier than most people but I feel so much better. I don't have to make myself eat more than I can take and I stopped listening to my family and other people bad comments about how I look, how much I weight and my acnes.

Back to this make-up guru video, she said that most people feel its harsh to tell overweight person that they're fat, but they feel ok to tell underweight person that they're very skinny. I think, lets just admit it, overweight people are more common these days, probably 7 out of 10 people are a little too chubby kk..
When you say that you can't gain weight, most people won't believe you because most people don't know. They keep saying that skinny people is like sick people. Well guess what, being over weight is even more dangerous. Not all skinny people is anorexic or on drugs. I'm healthy, I don't do drugs or smoke, never in life I touch those stuff nor I plan to, and I never trying to throw up what I eat or feel that I'm too fat while I'm not. I'm very conscious that I'm skinny but I'm healthy and I feel comfort with my body like this. I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want, I still struggle everyday with my acne, but that's ok, because that's just life. Not everyone is blessed with perfect body and perfect skin. It is hard to accept who you are, especially when people around you keep telling you that you're not perfect, but its not impossible. If the people around you can't accept you for who you are, find people who can, and the most important thing is just love yourself. Be a little selfish if you need to kkk~

In my case, I found kind people as friends who accept me no matter how I look. God created you your family, but thank God, you can always choose your friends. Believe me, there are people who can see things beyond looks.